I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas holiday and have a blessed New Year! My dear husband is a New Year's baby and we will be celebrating like we always do every year....in bed by 9!!! HA!!! We have had an awesome Christmas and Emma loved everything that Santa( along with a few other elves) brought her! We had Christmas with my dad's side of the family on Wednesday afternoon and then headed back to J-ville to open presents and wait for Santa to arrive. We got up early Christmas morning and Emma loved every gift she got! She played so hard with ALL of her new toys! Mom and I made a huge breakfast and we all stuffed ourselves silly. Then Justin, Mom, John, and I played Scrabble Upwards! I highly recommend it! But read the directions first....HAHAHA....That's another story! My amazing neighbor and inspiring photographer ran by here and took a few family pictures before they headed to their family gathering. I will post those as well. I can not tell you how good she is. She was here for maybe 10 minutes and the pictures she got were fantastic. Justin, Emma, and I stayed here while the rest of the
family went back to the home front to get ready for the next family gathering Friday morning. We drove up early Friday and had breakfast at the house with mom's side of the family and then played the
Wii!!! So fun!!! We spent the rest of the day being lazy and then went bowling that night! I must say I bowled pretty dog gone good, but I didn't win. Dad took both games....as usual! We stayed the night last night and
Hayli was heading home today, so we said our sad goodbye's and we headed home. We got home and have been playing ever since. We took a quick walk with the amazing neighbor and then back here for more playing. I called mom and dad to check out how the drop off of
Hayli went and they told us that her flight got cancelled due to fog and they are heading home. She will leave at the same time tomorrow. Please pray for her...she misses us when she's away!
So that was our Christmas...I hope yours was fun too!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures and I will post the
amateur pics that I took of Christmas morning later!!! :-)
God Bless,