Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pictures and Advice

How do I type in between pics??? I am so awful at this!!! HAHA


Bryce's momma said...

Good luck with that! I did it accidentally when I moved the pictures from "Picaso", where I store them. Try going to the place where you type a blog and see if it will let you move them and type in between. We can always ask the master mother blogger Jenifer Gwen

Bryce's momma said... it is 1am and I just figured some stuff out. I will have to show you. Too much to type. lol. Look at the pic of Bryce from today when Bryan and I were playing with him in the yard. lol. Wish that we could've grabbed some of Emma.....

Brysmommy, Kenswifey said...

Best bet is to upload one at a time..and then type in between them..yuck!